
By law and in accordance with NDDTL land leases, noxious weeds must be controlled.  There are multiple options available to help control noxious weeds and pests including but not limited to chemical control, biological control, and grazing. NDDTL has cost share and volunteer programs available for applicable methods to help defray the costs of necessary weed and pest control.  



What are the most common noxious weeds, “watch” weeds, and pests encountered?

It is important to note that there are both state and county noxious weed lists.


A weed which is considered to be harmful to the environment or animals, especially one which may be the subject of regulations governing attempts to control it.

Leafy Spurge

Absinth Wormwood

Canada Thistle

Musk Thistle

Palmer Amaranth


Purple Loosestrife

Yellow Toadflax

Dalmatian Toadflax

Diffuse Knapweed

Spotted Knapweed

Russian Knapweed



A weed that may be or may become a nuisance to the land.

Yellow Starthistle

Blake Henbane

Hoary Cress

Common Tansy

Palmer Amaranth


Any insects (grasshoppers), rodents (prairie dogs), nematode, fungus, weed, any form of terrestrial or aquatic plant or animal life, viruses, bacteria, or other micro-organisms, except viruses, bacteria, or other micro-organisms, whose presence causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.



Chemical Control Program

Lessees must have the estimate costs approved by the NDDTL prior to spraying unless the estimated costs are $200 or less.  NDDTL may cost share up to 100% of the chemical and 50% of the labor expense incurred by the lessee from weed control efforts completed on School Trust Lands (varies on size and extent of infestation controlled).  If you do not follow recommended guidelines, your request for reimbursement will be denied.

Biological Control Program

Since 1993 NDDTL staff and lessees have released insects for leafy spurge control on numerous school trust lands. Some release sites have become established and NDDTL now conducts "harvest field days" on these tracts. These field days are typically held towards the end of June or early July.  Please check the homepage for upcoming events.

Additionally, with prior approval, lessees may request cost share for the cost of purchasing biocontrol agents. Cost share may be approved for up to 100% of the cost, not exceeding $500 per lessee each year.


Chemical Control Program

Lessees must have the estimated costs approved by the Department prior to controlling pests.  Cost share may be approved for up to 100% of the bait/pre-bait and up to 50% of the labor to control pests.  The most common pest control cost share approved by the Department is for prairie dogs using products that limit potential non-target species’ fatalities. 


Cost Share Request Requirements & Forms

Lessees are encouraged to submit pest control and noxious weed control cost share forms by the last business day in October. 


  1. Receive prior approval from the Department
  2. Submit a paper form (no online form available for large (>$200) cost share requests)
  3. Itemization of your costs - including labor and chemical
  4. Include copy of receipts
  5. Sign-off by the county weed control officer
  6. Can be requested more than one time a year (see FAQ below to learn more)

  1. Submit an online or paper form
  2. Itemization of your costs – including labor and chemical
  3. No weed control office signature required
  4. No receipts required
  5. Only one request per lessee per year



This action is as a courtesy to the weed control officer to keep them informed of what is happening in their county and it also provides contact between our lessees and the weed officer, who is knowledgeable concerning the latest information on the identification and control of weeds.

Labor rates are as varied. DTL suggests considering the man-hours spent spraying and the efficiency of equipment and methods used. If there is a question about the labor amount being excessive, DTL will contact you before the payment is approved.

Yes, (remember to contact the Department prior to work) if the requested cost share is greater than $200.00 and you are spraying in June and again with follow-up in September, DTL encourages you to submit a form immediately after each spraying. Immediate form submission will ensure you have the receipt(s) and the spraying time is still fresh in your mind.

If you wait and submit one form at the end of the year, you are able to do so, but be sure you have it mailed before the deadline as late requests will not be paid.

For small infestation control, DTL can cost share up to $200.00 without a receipt or weed officer signature

Yes, chemical control is still necessary to maintain the front-line of defense. Flea beetles can be an effective tool, but they are not a "cure-all". In the first year of release, stay back approximately 200 feet from the release site but continue your spraying efforts. As the bio-controlled area grows, you can widen the ring of no-spraying.