The North Dakota Department of Trust Lands (NDDTL) requires reservation of topsoil, erosion control, revegetation with native grasses, noxious weed control, and sometimes temporary fencing of sites for reclamation work completed on Trust Lands. Reclaimed areas are monitored by NDDTL staff until the site has been deemed stable and revegetated sufficiently for adequate forage production. The specific terms and conditions for construction and reclamation are defined in the approved and signed conveyance document.
Prior to commencing reclamation work, an onsite review may be required along with soil/water testing and/or other documentation may needed. Early first contact and communication are crucial for timely response and project management.
Construction/Reclamation Specifications
Road Cross Section and Soil Reservation Requirements
Pipeline Construction Specifications
Wellsite Construction Specifications
Please review the frequently asked questions (FAQs) below for help answering initial inquiries. If further assistance is needed beyond these FAQs, please email or call the Department of Trust Lands and request the Surface Management Division.
Does NDDTL have required Construction and Reclamation specifications?
Yes, construction cannot begin until the Commissioner has signed the appropriate documents.
All approved projects are subject to native grass establishment, erosion control, and noxious weed control of the disturbed area along with topsoil reservation for final reclamation. The specific terms and conditions for construction and reclamation are defined in the approved and signed document. All granted documents must be kept onsite for reference during construction.
Who do I contact if I notice unusual activities or a rights-of-way area that may require reclamation?
If you notice unusual activities or notice a rights-of-way area that may require reclamation, please use the “Contact Us” form or call NDDTL and request the Surface Management Division. If using the Contact Us form please make sure to include a legal description and the date observed!