Application Evaluation Criteria
In reviewing a grant under N.D. Administrative Code § 85-02-02-04, a number of criteria may be considered in the application scoring process. The rating system is only a tool used during the review process and does not guarantee selection for an award. The current grant rating system includes the following rating categories:
If the grant round is designated for city infrastructure needs, an application from a city targeting a project to install water and sewer trunk lines up to a housing development would meet the objective of the grant round and would score high. If a township was submitting an application during that same city infrastructure grant round for upgrading a township road, the application would not meet the objective and would score lower. Additionally, consideration is given that the project was a need resulting from oil and gas development.
Project Readiness and Timeline for Completion
For a city infrastructure grant round application submitted to install water and sewer trunk lines up to a new housing development, completed engineering design and project estimates by a contractor would result in a higher score for project readiness. The same application submitted where engineering and project estimates are not complete would result in a lower project readiness score
Impact of Energy Activity
Consideration is given to the number of active drilling rigs and the amount of oil production taking place in the county the political subdivision is located in. The more active drilling rigs and production the higher the score. Similarly, the fewer active drilling rigs and production in the county, the lower the score.
Relates to Health, Welfare, and Safety of Citizens
If the project is to address a health, welfare, and safety issue resulting from impacts of oil and gas development, the application will receive a higher score. If there is no health, welfare and safety component to the application, it will score lower.
This is scored based on evaluation of various financial details including all revenue sources available, ending cash balance, prior awards received, unused award funds, debt load, and levy.
Completeness of the Application
This criteria is scored based on the applying political subdivision providing all supporting documentation as identified in the application at the time of submission. The score for this criteria has a very small weighting factor compared to the other criteria above.
Archive of Grant Round Results
- ArchiveGrantRoundResults/2017-2019/Contingency Grant Rd4.pdf
- ArchiveGrantRoundResults/2017-2019/Contingency Grant Rd3.pdf
- ArchiveGrantRoundResults/2017-2019/Contingency Grant Rd2.pdf
- ArchiveGrantRoundResults/2017-2019/Contingency Grant Rd1.pdf
- ArchiveGrantRoundResults/2017-2019/Commercial Airports - Fall 2018 .pdf
- ArchiveGrantRoundResults/2017-2019/Commercial Airports - Fall 2017.pdf
- FY 2017 SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) Awards.pdf
- FY 2017 Nursing Home Awards.pdf
- FY 2017 Nursing Home and Basic Care Awards.pdf
- FY 2017 Human Trafficking Awards.pdf
- FY 2017 General Aviation Airports.pdf
- FY 2017 EMS Awards.pdf
- FY 2017 DD Provider Award.pdf
- FY 2017 Bowman and Divide County.pdf
- FY 2016 Domestic Violence Shelter Awards.pdf
- FY 2016 17 Developmental Disabilities Awards.pdf
- FY 2016 17 Critical Access Hospital Awards.pdf
- FY 2015 16 Sexual Assault Examiner Program Grants.pdf
- FY 2015 16 Missouri Ridge Township Award.pdf
- FY 2015 16 Local District Health Units Grant Awards.pdf
- FY 2015 16 Law Enforcement July Grant Awards.pdf
- FY 2015 16 K-12 July Grant Awards.pdf
- FY 2015 16 Human Trafficking Awards.pdf
- FY 2015 16 Human Trafficking April Award.pdf
- FY 2015 16 Fire Districts Grant Awards.pdf
- FY 2015 16 EMS July Grant Awards.pdf
- FY 2015 16 Developmental Disabilities Awards.pdf
- FY 2015 16 Critical Access Hospital Awards.pdf
- FY 2015 16 Award Cancelations or Reductions.pdf
- FY 2015 16 Airport October Grant Awards.pdf
- FY 2015 16 Airport July Grant Awards.pdf
- FY 2014 15 K-12 October Grant Round Awards.pdf
- FY 2014 15 K-12 July Grant Round Awards.pdf
- FY 2014 15 General Grant Round Awards.pdf
- FY 2014 15 Fall EMS and Fire Service Awards.pdf
- FY 2014 15 Emerging Counties.pdf
- FY 2014 15 Contingency Fund Awards.pdf
- FY 2014 15 Airport October Grant Awards.pdf
- FY 2014 15 Airport May Grant Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 Sheriff's Sept Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 Sheriff's July Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 Sheriff's January Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 Non-Hub City Infrastructure Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 Non-Hub City Emergency Infrastructure Award.pdf
- FY 2013 14 K-12 Emergency Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 K-12 December Grant Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 K-12 August Grant Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 Hub City Infrastructure Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 Higher Education Grant Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 General Grant Round Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 Fall Emergency Services Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 Dust Control Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 Airport June Grant Awards.pdf
- FY 2013 14 Airport August Grant Awards .pdf
- FY 2012 13 Spcl July 2012 Pilot Childcare Facilities Round.pdf
- FY 2012 13 Q2 October Open Grant Round.pdf
- FY 2012 13 Q2 December 2012, Township Transportation Round.pdf
- FY 2012 13 Q1 September 2012 Emergency Services.pdf
- FY 2012 13 Q1 July 2012 City Round.pdf
- FY 2011 12 Spcl April 2012, Schools for Temporary Portable Classrooms.pdf
- FY 2011 12 Q4 June Other Political Subdivision Round.pdf
- FY 2011 12 Q3 March 2012, Emergency Services.pdf
- FY 2011 12 Q2 December 2011, Township Transportation Round.pdf
- FY 2011 12 Q1 July 2011, City Round.pdf
- 2011 2013 Biennium Emergency and Final Awards.pdf