
Pursuant to N.D.C.C. § 28-32-01(2)(y), the Board of University and School Lands (Board) is subject to administrative rules but is exempt from the adjudicative proceeding requirements and procedures under N.D.C.C. §§ 28-32-21 through 28-32-51.

The Board’s Administrative Rules concerning General Administration, Energy Infrastructure and Impact Grants, and Unclaimed Property can be found in Title 85 of the North Dakota Administrative Code(link is external).

When adoption, amendment, or repeal of any Administrative Rules of the Board of University and School Lands entered pursuant to N.D.C.C. ch. 28-32 is proposed, the North Dakota Department of Trust Lands (Department) shall provide all interested persons with a reasonable opportunity to submit data, views, or arguments, orally or in writing, concerning the proposed rule, including data concerning the impact of the proposed rule per the Department's procedure. (Admin Rules Procedure)



TAKE NOTICE that the Department of Trust Lands, on behalf of the Board of University and School Lands will hold a public hearing to address proposed adoption, change, and amendment to rules contained in N.D. Admin. Code Title 85, at 9:00 am CT, on Augusts 29, 2023, at the Sakakawea Room, North Dakota State Capitol, 600 East Boulevard A venue, Bismarck, North Dakota. The purpose of the proposed rules is to implement changes proposed by Department of Trust Lands. The proposed rules address amendments pertaining to definitions and general provisions of Title 85, leasing trust lands for agricultural use, construction aggregate, permanent improvements, encumbrances of trust lands, sales of trust lands, oil and gas, and unclaimed property examinations.

The proposed rule change is not expected to have an impact on the regulated community in excess of $50,000.

The proposed rules may be reviewed at the office of Department of Trust Lands, 1707 North 9th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501, or online at the web address: A copy of the proposed rules and/or a regulatory analysis may be requested by writing the above address, emailing sends email) or calling (701) 328-1918. Written or oral comments on the proposed rules sent to the above address or telephone number and received by September 12, 2023, will be fully considered.

If you plan to attend the public hearing and will need special facilities or assistance relating to a disability, please contact the Department of Trust Lands at the above telephone number or address at least two days prior to the public hearing.


Signed Letter of Intent to Legislative Council

Administrative Rules Proposed Changes