ND Department of Trust Lands Rights-of-Way Online Application for Lease Surface Damage Agreements, Easements, Permits, and Access Permission

A general route map must be submitted to LandROW@nd.gov upon application submission.
If both on-lease and off-lease wells are proposed, an application for the on-lease activity (surface damage agreement) and an application for the off-lease activity (easement) must be filled out separately.
Only complete this box if this request is for an amendment, extension, or assignment for an existing ROW. You may need to place one or two zeros (0) before your three or four digit ROW#
Number of lines, diameter, material, voltage, poles, anchors, boxes, valves, risers, launchers, etc
Wells to be brought into production or serviced, where are the lines coming from and connecting to, etc. Make sure to include a legal description for all service locations.
Proposed start date, anticipated completion date, other permitting involving local, state, or federal entities, etc.
Dollars per rod, per acre, annually, lump sum, etc
If your contact information has changed since you have first applied with NDDTL, please complete a new contact so we can update our records. Once you have completed this, you will only need to search for your contact in the future and will only need to re-enter if your contact information changes.

NOTE: Do not abbreviate any part of the company name.
Primary contact point for this proposed project
If this information is not yet known, please place project contact information here.
Responsible for monitoring reclamation success until re-vegetation and erosion control has been completed.
Responsible for project on-site surveys and survey plats to be sent to the Trust Lands Department; Visit: ND DTL Survey Guidelines for Survey/Engineering Companies
If this information is not yet known, please place project contact information here.

1707 North 9th Street | Bismarck, ND 58506-5523 | Telephone: (701)328-2800 | Fax: (701)328-3650

© 2025 North Dakota Department Of Trust Lands